December 5, 2008

Plight of those on the road, all thanks to their load!!

Time: 10 a.m Place: My house Scene: Leaving for work

Me: Hon, make it soon! We need to reach there in time. 
Hon: Just looking for the car keys. Oh! Here it is. (Back in the car) 
Me: I just hope I reach there in time for the meeting. 
Hon: Chill baby! I will take you there in no time.

And suddenly at the signal, near the sub-way, as my eyes constantly kept peaking onto the two ballet dancers dancing around the ballroom on my recently gifted fictitious fantasy based watch, my eyes, as usual, as everyday, also peaks to see those red uniforms torturing themselves while employing their strength in every breath to pull up a fish-cart of Gas (LPG) cylinders, just like Jack who went up the hill, so steep.


Centuries have moved along, times have changed, so long, but the destiny for many still remain the same, no matter how technology changes our lives and how we change ourselves. This scene, that I see everyday, triggers a conversation with my hubby where we discuss the way India has changed. India still has apartments that run from four to five floors where these guys have to shove the cylinders over their back for some dweller to feast on their food peacefully.

We all keep cribbing moment to moment, stating ‘Why does this happen to me?’ and yet most of us live in apartments with the latest technologies and gizmos serving as our elixir of today’s life, we have everything at our ease including the delivery of groceries to food, medicines to tailors, carpenters to the DVD fellow.  Something that I noticed a couple of days back when the rains had engulfed our vicinity in vain, I and my hubby kept calling the DVD fellow to come by and lent us some movies so that the days that we are stuck at home, we can kill time by watching some crap. But least did me or my hubby think was that even he had a family of his own and thanks to his job; the kind of place where he stays might be one of those water-logged areas.

For a second, I had become selfish and I agree and admit it. But you know what? Most of them out there are selfish, and yet do not barge to the front to accept their denial of this fact.  This fact, this truth goes out to those people too who, in everyday life, go up and down, to and fro to get things done and delivered for us so that our lives swing on without a hitch. I just thought for a while amidst all that noise of hard rock in the car, the dreams of these people who bring Gas cylinders to our door step or swim by flood waters to reach out to solve our plight, in some sense. Won’t they be cursing and cribbing about their life and the way they have to fight survival itself to life? That scene stayed and lingered for sometime within my thoughts, which drifted away as soon as I reached work.


But I guess why I brought out this point to light is that we must all try to talk out things to the bosses who rule these poor labor and drive them to do the most exercising exhaustive job through the day, (Thank God! They are spared during the night hours) about how facilities, perks, privileges must be offered for these people. Who knows, maybe these latest human elixir bearing lives are those educated, unfortunate ones who could not make it to the floors of an IT park but had to stay at the shop level to stabilize sustenance. It is not just them. There are million other daily jobs that suck and people, educated ones abide by these jobs.


The sight of them struggling, just like how I had to struggle some years back posing as a Marketing Executive for school books, makes me worry about the future our country has laid ahead of us. And yeah! A lot more thanks to the current economic crisis, terror invitations and of course, not to miss, here comes the end of the world! Things that can make their life easier is, usage of external elevator like trolleys which can bear the cylinder’s weight and can be simply elevated to the respective house floors (as most of the kitchens do have balconies), providing them with better commuting facilities, laying for them more perks and hikes, and so much more for these guys that stay to be behind, loyal and liberal.


Maybe, one or many among us can bring a change to lives that are so different and delayed from our lives and life styles. Ponder for a minute and maybe you will know….

3 reflections:

Anonymous said...

I do not know if you have "tipping" in India - but it would be nice if they were given extra for their deliveries by the people ordering the cylinders. It is acknowledging the hard work and a way of saying thanks. In my country there are no deliveries - you would have to go and get it yourself.

Anonymous said...

as my eyes constantly kept peaking onto the two ballet dancers dancing around the ballroom on my recently gifted fictitious fantasy based watch,

As I started reading, I thought it was a funny post but as I went on I realized the gravity of your feelings..Beautiful post and an original way of putting forward your voice on an oft repeated topic!You are a great writer...

RiverSoul said...

You've written very well, as usual.
Gr8 post.
Though i'd not advise the tip thing. . . . Coz then they'll come to expect it of you every time... . Trust me, thats not a desirable position to be in.
Enjoy the coming week

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